Friday 26 July 2019

Choose The Best ONE!!!

Wondering what is the topic  and what are the question &options etc...Is that going to be test ?...

Just Nothing! Chill Reading time and Makes sense at the END!

So Here I am ...By gone through all the tests ,I had only one question with Multiple answers.

Scenario: A woman who resigned her job for family reunion (Mom Son-->DAD) and who wants to resume the job when kid become toddler in Abroad!

Question:I am gonna continue my job!

Answers are many:(Read Peacefully :p)

A woman who has citizenship in abroad replied that "At-least  u have Background of Engineering,I don't know where to start though i can do job here", So there is ? in her life (At-least i need to put comma in my career)

A woman who is typical homemaker replied that "Y not be in home,not all the home maker are fool" (I guess this crazy girl didn't understand my question at all,Pity on her)

A woman who gone through so much struggle as primary earner in USA replied that "Having dishes on your table than cooking is an easy job (Yes girl ,U r right,So tasty :p )

A woman who likes to go for job,but don't have education background replied that "Y to waste your Education when u have it" (I get it girl -Don't worry-Never make the same situation for your kids)

A good friend of mine told me that"Not all the women are resuming where they stopped by",If u do so U will be inspired by many women's( u owe one mine dear lady,if i inspired i am done for this)

A man who suggested me to become a teacher (I am the best student so far! But Never suggest another profession for god sake free advice- "Born to be an Engineer Da"-need to create this group in whatzup haha)

A man told me that "No need to proof our talent by going only job"(Oh dear being man,plz resign your job and let your wife start proof her talent)

Elder woman said me that"U left your job when many don't even have job,and now u need it back?"(I left for my family and I never regret it and I got my job back because of family only-I am one good decision maker)

A woman told me that" It is so good to be homemaker ,V can play with kids,sleep any time So much fun around" (Its really good to be homemaker and i respect those! but now my kid is going to school,what do i do with his toys when he is busy at school and really?? r u able to sleep any time @ home,which i couldn't do it at all when i had super wonderful toddler around-Plz Be Present and make some sense)

One interesting woman told me that" Try many recipes ,explore many in kitchen" (which i am doing it by going job too :) )

Still still still .....etc etc etc..So much of population !!!oops :p

If you observe with me, My question is very simple and i don't even need answer for that  ,but everyone answered for their own questions which they have within them!

Dear Ppl! What stopping you by not listening a question or What stopping you being so Negative??

Being Full Power in me,I didn't listen to you at all but i made you speak up -Because my answer is with me for my own question as simple as that!

Just Go and Find yourself -Never regret it back!!Life is short to be so negative

But when i realized counting of 10 which 0.001% of pessimist in my life,I loved -Pampered-Wondered-Amazed by rest of my optimistic and "glass-half-full" attitude ppl surrounded by me all the time .

My Sincere Thanks to them for who i am today ,Keep Pamper me as always my "DadMomBroHubbyKid",U guys are doing great job hahahaha I keep make u guys proud always!

"We will follow your path to achieve like you ","I dono whether i can do it if i am in your situation" ,"If not you then who can get a job","i know you will get it what next in casual voice"."It is not the biggest,still more to come","Let your current country knows the value of you" "USA ku une sevai thevai "etccc many more meant compliments and 

"YAY WOHHOOOO WAAAAA ,U MADE ME PROUD IN THIS WORLD MY SUNSHINE" by a proud father tells to his princess made myself to run faster than yesterday!

Dedicating this blog to My Positive Dears with add-on "Singappenney -Bigil's"  Music + Disney "The Lion KING 2019" emotions!!! Woohooooo 

Disclaimer: My blog never meant to hurt anyone,it is fully meant "What are you getting of being so negative around? Try to change the way you answer So that the same way you will receive it back and does spread surroundings too! Just Be careful - Cheers!!!

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Dont Miss it !!!

Hellooooo All..
    Definitely,U could have come across by hearing  these statements for sure !!! like " Life is once,Life is small,Enjoy the moment,Life is like riding a bike or book or etc...." Correct ?

Why blood ,Same Blood!! (I meant i am also in the same boat...)

So what i am going to say apart from that!! I seriously dono :P

To enjoy your life lively there are many things( can be silly,crazy,serious etc..) to do..& Everyone is aware of it! Fine....

So What i am doing here!!??!!

There are few things NOT to do,But U should do in your lifetime! +        There are few things Should do ,But U shouldNOT be  missed in your lifetime!!

Yeah! Brain started so many thoughts.. ..If yes..there WE GO !!.

Here comes few wishlist from my brain with limitation of list ....

Read it and Njoy!!

1)Get up late in the afternoon ! 
        (Means U could have  slept yesterday and get up in the afternoon :P)

2)Don't Brush your teeth for a day ! 
        ( then u know the Value & Purpose of brushing teeth )

3)Don't take bath.! ..or take bath for 1 hour approx by making noise by singing,Dancing,Jumping etc.. 
        (Dont forget to capture the reaction of people in your mind when you are coming out!!!)

4)If You dono cooking,Plz cook for a one time to yr surroundings & Serve it 

5)If you are away from your home,Plz find a friend home and tell that u know cooking and Do it!! 
       (Trust me ! it will be really tasty)

6)Bunk Office/School/College one day where your presence is much needed on that day!
        (Ofcourse  Next day every1 should wait for u....)

7)Call your parents and speak unwanted or useless things when they are really busy !

8)Do some small risk things in your life  !
        ( Can be either  swimming,jogging,cycling,riding,cooking,public speaking,event conducting,drawing etc..  but  actually you dono how to do :P)                                                         
9) Try to take any some  task which you dono how to do that!
        (If it get mess up..U should be the happiest   person on that day)

10) If you are a modern,traditional or formal oriented person in your attire ,Plz try Ulta one day(Ppl never 4get u)

11) Propose a boy if you are boy,Propose a girl if you are girl!
       ( I know it sounds awkward...but tell that Love is blind :P ..Kidding....Love is not only between boy and  girl....hope u agree)

12)If you are not expressive,plz express who needs it badly once in your life time

13)If you have never tasted alcohol,taste it once..If you tasted,Plz dont drink when someone planned for a big 
      Party (Haha!!)

14)Visit family and friends and spend some time together to create strong bonds and interactions & learn new  things/Habits from them

15)Buy the pets you have always dreamed of having and take care of them well.

16)Find an interesting hobby for an instance

17)Must participate in marathon for a good cause

18)Spend so much money ,throw a party when you don't have money(Use your credit card           or borrow) ,after that u  will end up in thinking of spending money will tighten your             belt)

19)Watch Live match/music concerts with friends /family.

20)Decorate your home in a new way as well as U should be the reason for dirtiness also

21)Speak to a person whom your don't like to speak as well as show more love!
           ( Some changes u will feel & may be the pain of that person having in it)

22)If you are married,Fight with your husband/wife with no reason and show more love in a same day

23)Surprise someone!!

24)Watch a film with your family members in a night time!
          (When someone feeling sleepy,woke up and keep on disturb :P)

25)Plan for an abroad trip for your parents/Adventure travel 

26)Visit new places & Explore more!

27) Watch sunrise and sunset & capture it(Your History is important Know!!)

29) && How about kissing  a dolphin!!???
30) 31) 32) ... this list goes on..... I have just conveyed or recalled your wishlist via my blog ..

If you smile at any place in this blog,which means either you have done it or U want to do it or U r doing it ...
Smile on your face made my day!!
Keep Smiling..Keep doing silly things which is very important in your life!

I think this is why we keep on getting advice also!! Letz Live the Life Lively Friends!!!

Until then bye from Niranjala Nivethan where I am living lively life with My Hero and Mera man  PrabhuNivethan (Dedicating this blog to My Man)

Friday 25 April 2014


I have started to write something ,end-up with this topic which is sensitive ,universal fact & hard to accept  that  fact if you born as a girl!!!

Request all the huMAN to understand!!

I love to go home when I joined in school
     Because I wanted to be a pampered child,not to worry about anything,no need to get fear, get everything what I want without any options\compromise, always hanging my dad's neck,shoulder even leg :p and mom's lap which is  safest place on the earth ,roaming outside with everyone ,wearing all colorful dresses and following one mantra  that " Cry out loud!! U get everything :p" ,joined all the special classes like dance,karate without knowing the purpose ,Get the First rank,U will get many gifts from parents,Going a trip with joint family and many more good things.....
      Note:  #though am day scholar#Hardly spent 8 hrs @ school and back to home 


I love to go home when I joined in college
     Because I want to see my parents, siblings,relatives and friends ,want to have mom food ( Realized mom food is the best hygienic food in this world) , wanna share what is happening in college,friends(all silly fights,secrets), sharing  my success,telling  about staff ,HOD,Principal (Whose my roll model ) and new surroundings..Mainly ( Everyone must ) share how I am facing the world when I left from the nest & How i am seeing the world also to my ppl  who is bear with me when i started speaking (Dad ,Mom & Nandy)
      Note: # hosteler #Go home once in a month 

Again & Again!!!

Now  I love to go home when I become an employee 
       Because I badly want to spend time with my  family only,want to take care of them,want to hear their  advice, problems, views,all up and down and finally want to be more responsible girl.Wanna take rest/chill out @ my home(As my bro told "Home is Paradise ") ,Want to convey them that "I have learnt What is life,Exposure ,people,Industry,World,personal,being  independent"  etc...
     Note: # freedom to go my home anytime!!

As simple as!!
I was not matured enough to share good and bad when i was kid,
To acquire the exposure I left from nest  as well as to be in good position for my career & So joined college,
When I am matured enough to share everything to my family,good position in my career,have some certain money in my hand and again I want to convey them that I have learnt What is life,Exposure ,people,Industry,World,personal &being independent etc ,

   With the all above in my hand and turned back to my home, I shouldn't go to my home ,instead I have to go to someone's home.

God!! Is that y so you created ME??!!!

Dedicating this blog to all my lovable FEMALES(More Special to All Mother :-) )

PS: It is not about My Life!!! The Female Life, I could say

Thursday 17 April 2014

Tickled Pink!!!

   Here I am writing my experience with my team with  lots of happy and energy!!! Yes...I don't know how many of them working towards our passion.. I'm the one in that list! So I have decided to carry out!!

Here comes my first step into my passion at my office :)

I m the one who wants to  organize event like wedding, bday etc on others special day to make them a day as big day!! .. I want to make others happy by doing this...I do small small event in my home...but for the first time at my office :p

Yes,I recently conducted "fun activity "with my team. To make environment to be fun and informal we had coffee (I know lot of good things can happen over a cup of coffee :p),more than that it is friday evening.

So I prepared around  30 chits and informed my team to assemble conference room@ 3pm on Apr 4 th 2014

Around 20 of my teammates has given their presence and we started our event by small warm up activities and had nice fun with everyone answer and action :P

I would like to share few conversation here :

First :: I totally enjoyed with Kavitha 's performance:

Task: mathi yoshi (Answer wrongly)#must watch vijay Tv events :P

Me:hw r u?
Kavitha:Niranjala is mad
Me:why only Niranjala, y not others?
Kavitha: that girl is laughing too much
Me:Why that girl is laughing too much...
Kavitha: Coffee cup is good!!
Me:Which coffee mug...
Me: u r out!!
Kavitha: Conference room is good today
Me: U r out!!! (She didnt even listen my words)
Look @ the video 

(She is so clear and well trained in this!! I finally Got bun:P)

Another activity with Nazia #Bold and Dedicative Girl

Task: Pick some person and ask any question to that person

Nazia: She has observed the question very well and said"Any question a"
(Crowd is silent)
Anji #Another talented guy in our team
Nazia: Itz gonna be "Anji"
Anji: I know that what question she is gonna ask :P
Nazia & team: Guess the question then!! 
Anji: mmmm Yeah I guessed!! but i dont tell,..I have to answer only(Clever Guy)
Nazia: What was your first kiss and with whom??
Anji: Answered  Frankly :p (I dont tell :P)

 Last activity with vinoth,we call him as HR

Task: Do a yoga pose!!

HR: Just lied down and slept for a min :P
Me: Get up HR!!! Dont sleep :p
HR: Itz also one of yoga :p

There are lots of lots of fun moments happened on that day till the cows come home!!

As i usually says " Enjoy the every moments"

I enjoyed totally and i have to thank my team for their presence

Whenever I think about fun activity with my team ,yeah I am on cloud nine :-) :-)

Koffee with team!!!


Wednesday 1 January 2014

Blessed New Year :-)

Dad ,Mom  and Myself started speaking about our family future,what went well and what went wrong in 2013 on  Dec 31st 2013 23:30 PM ....When the new year is yet to come ,Our serious conversation turned into fun and happiness......

 ---$---  Here comes  our  conversation between Dad,Mom & Me  ---$---

Me :  Daddy,New year is yet to come in few minutes .I am so excited & I was badly                   waiting for this new  year only ,when an exactly a year back (because my brother is coming this year only after 16 months )          
Dad : S da.....We all are waiting for this year only :-)

Me :  S  S.. Itz time to count dad..... 3 ...... 2..... 1 ........ 
   Happy New Yearrrrrrrrrrrrr with full of the joys of spring . Hurrah Hurrah..Whoaaaaa New year Has come......We were in full swing :-)

---$--- We have expressed our love by kissing each other with mom,dad & myself ---$---

Me : Lemme start my year with your blessings 

Dad & Mom : Sure daughter.

---$---   I lied down towards West  Pole and got the Precious Blessings  ---$---

Dad : This year will be your most successful year dear daughter  

Mom : Wishes for your last bachelor new year baby ;-)

Me :   [Smiling & Winking] Let this year begins by spending more time with U and my bro.Thatz enough for me 

Dad :  No, Dont think like this.We all are connected via our love network.So Concentrate on ur career only

Me: Hmmmmmmmmm..Okay dad  :-( ......Lemme wish my friends ,teachers etc.....

---$--- Wishing friends & Relatives from the bottom of my heart  ---$--- 

After  that cake cutting ,Worshiping God ,Dancing ,Small Small events & Sharing wonderful moments etc..... 

 Finally around 2: 30 AM went to the bed..Grrrrrrrrrrrr.........

---$---   Hey Gal......Get Up!!!! Get Up!!!! U have office today!!! Itz 9'o clock already    ---$---

Me:  Haan..S ..thank you for the alarm :-)   

Mind voice of me : Getting up early is not my cup of tea.Lemme keep this my new year resolution..No Itz okie niranj....sleeping is the highest priority and good for health..U sleep niranju !!!

---$---Slept again & mind  alarm is up!!! time is 10:00 AM :)  ---$---

OMG..Itz very late..I want to go to temple & office also :)....

[Dear God...Time is running in a jiffy if i am in deep sleep...But .......]

---$--- Wondering Y  I am getting ready to  go office which is in Chennai ,but my native is in  Madurai.....Hhhhhhhhh ..All the above conversation happened with my parents via Phone call  only ---$---

So.... Should i blame New year for having fallen  on mid of weekdays (or)  Should i blame my company for not declaring leave (or) Should i blame me for not going home (or) my parents  etc.....many questions???

I have asked the above questions to my friends,Parents.colleagues etc........Many Ppl replied that " Niranj.......'Life has to move on'   , Dont Worry  Chill Chill...."

  What a life man by not spending time with your family on a good days!!!

  Oh...for that only my parents taught me to be happy with the surrounding people :-)

Yes ...I think that character has been inherited in me.... So here goes our celebration @ Women's Hostel
 Cake Cutting, well planned 3 to 4 events like "Cayman & Demands"," Balloon in the Air"," Dhamsharath"  and few more games  ...last but not the least " Dance performance (Practiced for last 10 days with fusion songs...myself as choreographer) " ,finally my room turns into a small pub ( Drinking,Smoking & Mens are strictly Prohibited) with full decoration in our rooms.

Being a happy realist ,Amiable in nature ,My New year started with lots of wonderful   moments with colorful girls and lots of wishes in phone calls  by making Noises etc...etc........

Thank God for everything.....

Happy New Year to All!!!!

Keep One's chin up always !!! 

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Happy With What You Have

When i read this ,"I thought to write a blog of What I've and how i m pursuing my life with that ..

So Here Starts.... My life started on Sep 15 1990 for an beautiful pair as a first child :)

               Mother, Who is my confidence ,Supporter,Teacher( Strict teacher in my education especially) ,Guider,Friend,Secret Keeper ,Santa and who thinks I m the beautiest girl in this world.

              Father,Who thinks I m the only  world for him ,Well wisher,who knows me like "Back of his hand" and he only knows "when i am  happy ,why i am sad",My handsome,My boyfriend,My world ,My Nation ,My Success and My boyfriend which turns me to tell "My Dad is everything to me in this generation  as well as coming generation. Yup  "He is the one  always lighten Up teenage feel and we never feel that we are getting aged " and finally who thinks "I am the genius in this world".

              Brother,Who is my blood relation,Soul and who simply taught me that "how to be a happy realist by not hurting others,who taught me sharing " though he is younger to me" ..and who is conscious and cares about my health and finding my better half :P
     As like other brother and sisters ..We are also good fighter.....In this relationship only I have learnt how can we show/express our love and Suddenly who thinks I m his full supporter/backbone when he flied away from home for his career.
     Here only I can feel the blood to blood ,Soul to soul has been communicated when i think about my Nivas or spell  his name as well .

                                         These are  my strength :)

My life is  not easily ending up by "3 Pillars" in my life .

When i left from my nest,I have faced lots of failure,struggle etc .... When i was facing that situation "there are many supporters ,small pillars,passing clouds  etc..." thanking God for send them to me....Thankful to every One.

 One of my strongest and Weightiest pillar is my relatives who are siblings of  my dad side as well as mom side.. I always Owe to them....My life wont be end if i don't thank them.

 Beauty in our joint family is " when ppl ask "whoz ur siblings"---> I answers like " I have 1 Elder sis,2 younger sis,1 elder bro and  3 younger bro " ha ha ....."...this reply shows our valuable relationship and love  with each other

Whoa.....How life goes without friends..... Here comes Winsome gals and many more close friends   whoz close to my heart. They are always there for me whenever i fall down or when they come to know I am about to fall down also .."

 I never forgot my teacher/professor in my life..I m here just because of them...

 I respect ppl whoz working in my home/business,Dad/Mom friends and relatives,my office etc..." Always respect to all  Humans  :)

So Finally I m happy with what I have..those are my biggest asset in my life..Never lose anyone :)